Whatever goal you are striving to achieve, whatever task you are working to accomplish, I firmly believe that you need that certain someone in your life who brings unexpected yet exceptional qualities through a special relationship that motivates you to succeed. Mine just happens to be Jessie. Yours may carry a different name, however, look with diligence as these people only come around once in awhile.
Really! You Can Love Others Just as Your Own
On August 15, 2011, I received a Facebook message, “Just wondering if you knew anyone who might be willing to watch an adorable 9 week old.-Jessie.” My wife had struggled to find work so I referred her to meet with Jessie. In what was to be a month commitment lead to life changing discovery, you can love others as your own even if they have no biological connection to you. That’s exactly what happened to us and having an adorable 9 week old in your home everyday for two years lead to a once in a lifetime relationship.
Look For These Qualities in People
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As you enter into life, my hope is that you too will find this once in a lifetime relationship. So look with diligence for these qualities in others: Encourages you by believing that you can do what you have set out to do, whose enthusiasm is contagious, is spontaneous, and holds you accountable. These traits are a huge reason my life has changed and I have met my goals of losing weight (90 pounds in 11 months), getting my diabetes under control, and entering a life of running from the stop sign and back to half marathon is just six months. Finding your Jessie is far more complex than putting a help wanted notice in the local paper and posting randomly to your Facebook account. Finding these special people is discovered through relationships. As you meet people in your every day coming and going, look for someone like this.
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